
Sky plus housekeeping

Sky Plus housekeeping
There are many times when your Sky plus box may start giving you problems. One of the quickest methods to restore it to full health is to follow the following process, but be warned it will delete any stored programmes.

- First press the services button and select Parental Control.
- Disc space management setting within the menu will be set to manual. 
- This means that programs have been deleted manually to free up disc space for further recordings. 
- To prevent failed recordings for this reason this can be set to automatic. 
- Changing this setting to automatic means that Sky+/Sky HD will manage the disc space by deleting the oldest program. 

1. Using the Sky Remote Control, press the services button. 
2. Using the up/down arrow button highlight Sky+ set up and press select. 
3. With Disc space management highlighted, use the left/right arrow buttons set to automatic.
4. Press the up or down arrow buttons and highlight save new settings. 
5. Press the select button. 
6. Press the sky button to return to normal viewing. 

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